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Track Results

The search found 10 tracks that matched your query. Showing 1-10 results on page 1:

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Afro-Latino Lite-groove-1 - See more info.

A light percussive  Afro-Latin groove that would work well bubbling under almost any kind of scene, even with dialogue over the top.

Mambo de Gringo Maluco - See more info.

Relaxed Latino groove giving a warm and tropical feeling.

Gringo Loco
Afro-Latino Lite-groove-3 - See more info.

A light percussive  Afro-Latin groove that would work well bubbling under almost any kind of scene, even with dialogue over the top.

The Detective-No Horns - See more info.

An old school, big band jazzy swing, in a style that has become popular in many recent cable, streaming, TV series such as Monk and Better Call Saul.

Dave Yowell
The Detective-Full Version - See more info.

An old school, big band jazzy swing, in a style that has become popular in many recent cable, streaming, TV series such as Monk and Better Call Saul.

Dave Yowell
Afro-Latino Lite-groove-2 - See more info.

A light percussive Afro-Latin groove that would work well bubbling under almost any kind of scene, even with dialogue over the top.

Out On The Prairie - See more info.

A Country/Americana piece that evokes the image of a warm, comforting campfire, isolated on a wide open plain.

Max Chinnock
Going Downtown - See more info.

A deep, bluesy harmonica track with acoustic guitar and bass.

Robert Crozier
Solo Bluesharp Nostalgia - See more info.

A compilation of short blues harp (harmonica) phrases, useful for using as cues.

Robert Crozier
Groovy Boogie Woogie - See more info.

As the title suggests, an old-school groovy, swinging boogie from the USA.

Rob Crozier and Dave Yowell