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Brazilian samba, bossa nova and carnival music, Salsa, Mountain music from the Andes, Native American music from the tribes of the Amazon, Skanking dub and ska from Jamaica.

Tracks Listed In: Latin America & the Caribbean - hot, passionate, funky, reggae and cool

Preview Track Artist
Mountain Ghost - See more info.

A haunting Flute calls out across the misty valleys.

Dave Yowell
Natural journey-full version - See more info.

A soft, relaxing, floating and pulsing track with a slightly ethnic flavour, giving a mood of well being, but with a silght touch of nostalgia and possible regret, as to where our planet is going with all the deforestation going on.

Andy Findon
Planet Kalimba - See more info.
A very chill, peacul and calm piece featuring Kalimba (African thumb harp) with a lush bed of synthesisers and a slow bossa nova type breakbeat.
Dave Yowell
Polka Maluca-mid percussion break - See more info.

A fast and urgent, slightly strange sounding polka with a humorous touch.

Dave Yowell
Reggae Nabongo - See more info.

Fusion breakbeat reggae, with some "World fusion" additions.

Dave Yowell
Run dont walk - See more info.

A spooky and unsettling percussion groove featuring many Afro-Brazilian percussion instruments, including berimbau, sourdo, caxixi, pandeiro, bata, agogo and cabaça.

Dave Yowell
Soft and Sweet Berimbau-berimbau and pandeiro only - See more info.

A calm, gentle and positive groove featuring two common folkloric instruments from Northern Brazil - Dave Yowell

Soweto Jolly Jumpy Jive - Percussion groove - See more info.

This is a short percussion groove taken from the main version.

The Uyolo Guys
Sunshine City-CUES COMP - See more info.

A comp of short cues and hits of a groovy, funky track with a Latino touch.

David King Bolger
Sunshine City-full mix - See more info.

A groovy, funky track with a Latino touch.

David King Bolger


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