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A world of vibrant music from the North African deserts, through the lush tropical forrests of the Congo basin, all the way down to the pulsating Zulu heartlands.

Tracks Listed In: African music

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Faith Will Move Mountains - See more info.

A  groovy, funky, modern fusion of beats, ethnic vocal chants and percussion, electronic SFX and synthesizers.

David King Bolger
Forget The Past - See more info.

Starts out enigmatic, wistful and reflective going into a happier mode for the bridges.

Funky Fingers - Bass and percussion only - See more info.

Fast and funky - with a nod towards James Brown, but with a more jazzy influence.

Sultan Makende
Funky Fingers - Full version - See more info.

Fast and funky - with a nod towards James Brown, but with a more jazzy influence.

Sultan Makende
Funky Fingers - no flute melody line - See more info.

Fast and funky - with a nod towards James Brown, but with a more jazzy influence.

Sultan Makende
Harmattan - See more info.

Named after the dry and dusty Saharan wind that sweeps down across West Africa from November to March.

Dave Yowell
Harmattan Mid Beat - See more info.
Named after the dry and dusty Saharan wind that sweeps down across West Africa from November to March.
Dave Yowell
Heavy Tension - See more info.
A heavy, funky rock groove, featuring rock guitar, bass, drums, Congas, cowbell and swirling synthesisers.
Dave Yowell
Hilife and da good life-cues composite - See more info.

Happy, tropical  hilife from Ghana.

Hilife and da good life-drums and percussion - See more info.

Happy, tropical  hilife from Ghana.



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