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Tracks Listed In: Smooth, Soulful, Sexy, Romantic

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Something Groovy - Full Version - See more info.

A contemporary pop track that reimagines R&B with a driving drumbeat, but with a clasical string orchestra playing all the chords and melody, creating a sophisticated and elegant sound.

Metano Katayama
Sunshine City-CUES COMP - See more info.

A comp of short cues and hits of a groovy, funky track with a Latino touch.

David King Bolger
Sunshine City-full mix - See more info.

A groovy, funky track with a Latino touch.

David King Bolger
Swampy Little Blues - See more info.

A cool bluesy combination of harmonica (blues harp), acoustic guitar, acoustic double bass and cajon, with a very American  Backwoods flavor.

Rob Crozier and Dave Yowell
Swimming - See more info.

An airy sounding short piece with a gentle and calming nature.

Swirling Memories - See more info.

The party has been going on for days and now it's time to actually chillout on the beach and relax.

Scott Ross
Swirling Memories 15 - See more info.

The party has been going on for days and now it's time to actually chillout on the beach and relax.

Scott Ross
Swirling Memories 30 - See more info.

The party has been going on for days and now it's time to actually chillout on the beach and relax.

Scott Ross
Swirling Memories Bumper - See more info.

The party has been going on for days and now it's time to actually chillout on the beach and relax.

Scott Ross
Swirling Memories DnB - See more info.

The party has been going on for days and now it's time to actually chillout on the beach and relax.

Scott Ross


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