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Tracks Listed In: Smooth, Soulful, Sexy, Romantic

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Swirling Memories No Melody Or Horn Section - See more info.

The party has been going on for days and now it's time to actually chillout on the beach and relax.

Scott Ross
The Daughter-Full version - See more info.

Relaxed and thoughtful, mid tempo Arab / Middle Eastern track, featuring oud (Arab lute)
Check out the other versions with +/- instruments.

Al Finjan
The daughter-guitars and bass only - See more info.

Relaxed and thoughtful, mid tempo Arab / Middle Eastern track.

Al Finjan
The Daughter-Oud and guitars - See more info.

Relaxed and thoughtful, mid tempo Arab / Middle Eastern track.

Al Finjan
The Mystery of History-Delicate version - See more info.

A slow and groovy fusion of a classical string orchestra with, acoustic guitar, acoustic piano and electronic keyboard embellishments.

Dave Yowell
The Mystery of History-full version - See more info.

A slow and groovy fusion of a classical string orchestra with trap drums and bass.

Dave Yowell
The Mystery of History-No Bass and Drums - See more info.

A slow and groovy fusion of a classical string orchestra.

Dave Yowell
Third Time's A Charm-floating vers - See more info.

A slow, soft and gentle, jazz underscore with an up-beat middle section in a New Orelans style.

Guymon Ensley
Third Time's A Charm-full version - See more info.

A slow, soft and gentle, jazz underscore with an up-beat middle section in a New Orleans style.

Guymon Ensley
Thoughtful Garden - See more info.

A slow-tempo, moody solo piano piece with broken chords with an uplifting, catchy melody.

Michael Tarrant


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