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Tracks Listed In: Relaxed, Chill, Cool, Breezy, Sunny

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Jingle Country Bells - See more info.

A bouncy version of the traditional Christmas song Jingle Bells with a country - ska flavour.

Dave Yowell
Journey From Jha Jha - See more info.

Atmospheric, dramatic medium paced Indian influenced piece fefaturing Bollywood style strings and tabla.

Graham Boyle
Journey to Nirvana-Full version - See more info.

A soft and relaxing combination of Indian traditional instruments and percussion with a Western orchestral cello quartet.

Sultan Makende
Journey to Nirvana-minus electro-pulse - See more info.

A soft and relaxing combination of Indian traditional instruments and percussion with a Western orchestral cello quartet.

Sultan Makende
Joy To The Funky World Orchestra - See more info.

A three part rendition of the famous Christmas carol Joy to the world by the English composer Isaac Watts .

Dave Yowell
JUST BOUNCING AROUND-cues composite - See more info.

A roots jazzy-swing, in the style of old-school jazz from New Orleans.

Guymon Ensley

A roots jazzy-swing, in the style of old-school jazz from New Orleans.

Guymon Ensley
Just In Time - See more info.

A soft and slow combination of guitars, and keyboards, giving a gentle feeling of nostalgia, romance and a touch of happiness.

Joe Micallef & Dave Yowell
Kalimba Kool - See more info.

A bouncy, happy track featuring kalimba (thumb piano) with acoustic guitar, bass, drums and congas.

Dave Yowell
Kalimba Kool-cues combo - See more info.

A bouncy, happy track featuring kalimba (thumb piano) with acoustic guitar, bass, drums and congas.

Dave Yowell


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