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Tracks Listed In: Adventure, Action, Dramatic, Chase

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Jazz the Blues with your Booze-short piano solo - See more info.

A fast, jazzy, New York style, beebop swing, giving a feeling of running to get somewhere quickly.

Robert Crozier
Jazz the Blues with your Booze-with sax - See more info.

A fast, jazzy, New York style, beebop swing, giving a feeling of running to get somewhere quickly.

Robert Crozier
Jimmy Jammy Jam - See more info.

An homage to the late and great Jimi Hendrix, a slow and heavy riff based rock piece.

The Brain Drain Gang
Jimmy Jammy Jam-cues-trans-hits - See more info.

An homage to the late and great Jimi Hendrix, a slow and heavy riff based rock piece.

The Brain Drain Gang
Journey Of Confusion - See more info.

A fast, Heavy Metal, Rock piece mixed with some electronic beats and synthesisers.

Joe Micallef
Land of the Golden Horn - See more info.

A fusion of rock and dance instrumental music with a Middle Eastern / Arabian / Turkish / Jewish flavour.

Sultan Makende
Let me - See more info.

A hard-hitting, grity, intense composition with a synth-driven bassline and warm vocals.

Benny Ajilore
Let me (Instrumental) - See more info.

An intense, confident, driving HipHop composition with a moving infectious synth bassline for movement, adventure, excitement and action.

Benny Ajilore
Mad Rush - See more info.

A fast and jazzy track with a light and comic feeling, that would work well in a cartoon or funny, slapstick scene.

Dave Yowell
Mad Rush-drums and bass - See more info.

A fast and jazzy track with a light and comic feeling, that would work well in a cartoon or funny, slapstick scene.

Dave Yowell


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