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Music from north America Jazz, funk, rock, country and everything in between.

Tracks Listed In: North America - USA & Canada

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LOFI Trippy - See more info.

Chill attitude with atmospheric electronics and some throbbing bass pulse.

Robert Crozier
Logical - See more info.

Club, Dance, Rave, Eerie, Bonkers, Spooky, Electronic, Synths, Drums

Naomi Young
Loki Day - See more info.

A chilled out ambient funk with electronics and fun textures.

Robert Crozier
Lucky - See more info.

A very modern, robotic, electronic-dance, bouncy track.

Naomi Young
Mach Nine - See more info.

Very fast piano with dance rhythm and bass.

David Burns
Mad Rush - See more info.

A fast and jazzy track with a light and comic feeling, that would work well in a cartoon or funny, slapstick scene.

Dave Yowell
Mad Rush-drums and bass - See more info.

A fast and jazzy track with a light and comic feeling, that would work well in a cartoon or funny, slapstick scene.

Dave Yowell
Mad Rush-no brass - See more info.

A fast and jazzy track with a light and comic feeling, that would work well in a cartoon or funny, slapstick scene.

Dave Yowell
Matata Mkubwa-synths and beats - See more info.

A slow and pulsing combination of synths and beats, giving a feeling of rising tension and anxiety.

Sultan Makende
Metallic Mystery - See more info.

 Metallic, thundering clangs and thumps, backed by electronic whooshes .

Dave Yowell


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