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Sophisticated with swing and groove

Tracks Listed In: Jazz, Jazzy

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The Detective-No Horns - See more info.

An old school, big band jazzy swing, in a style that has become popular in many recent cable, streaming, TV series such as Monk and Better Call Saul.

Dave Yowell
Third Time's A Charm-floating vers - See more info.

A slow, soft and gentle, jazz underscore with an up-beat middle section in a New Orelans style.

Guymon Ensley
Third Time's A Charm-full version - See more info.

A slow, soft and gentle, jazz underscore with an up-beat middle section in a New Orleans style.

Guymon Ensley
Unresolved - See more info.

A short sophisticated jazz lament, featuring saxophone, double bass, drums and electric piano.

Dave Yowell
What you say - See more info.

Funky, jazzy and groovy.



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