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Track Results

The search found 5 tracks that matched your query. Showing 1-5 results on page 1:

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Dusk - See more info.

Starts with a slow and relaxing acoustic piano into and then a soft, and delicate electronic pad sweeps in to the end.

Stargazing - See more info.

Slow, floating and delicate pad, with some gentle, high-tuned pings, giving a feeling of floating around the stars and planets of the universe.

Waking Up - See more info.

Medium tempo.

Running Sky High - See more info.

Fast and joyful acoustic piano, with a warm and soft string pad, some bouncy cello hits and very light percussion.

David Burns
I'll Cry Just This Time-Piano and pad-30 sec - See more info.

A classic, slow and jazzy piece, featuring soft  acoustic piano and floating pads.

Guymon Ensley