Uncomfortable and menacing ambient drone and strange sounds with Sultan Makendé's home made instrument, the "mentalofone" featuring on the top line.
Tension and total weirdness guaranteed to set you on edge.
This version has no bangs and thumps.
This track is part of a Mix-Set - You can download all versions as a ZIP archive
+ alarm+ alarming+ ambient+ anxiety+ apprehension+ Atmospheric+ Dark+ disaster+ disquiet+ dread+ dread+ edgy+ Eerie+ Ethereal+ fear+ fearfulness+ foreboding+ fright+ frightening+ ghost+ horror+ menacing+ misgiving+ mysterious+ mystery+ Mystical+ panic+ perturbation+ shock+ slow+ Sombre+ Spooky+ strange+ Suspense+ suspicion+ tense+ tension+ Terror+ thriller+ trepidation+ uncomfortable+ unease+ uneasiness+ war+ worry+
CAE / IPI: 145737656
Dave Yowell was born and grew up in Kenya, East Africa.
His formative years as a musician, were spent playing with many local musicians, where along with psychadelic rock, funk and soul from the West, he absorbed the groove and swing of African, Arabian and Indian musical culture that makes up the backdrop of Kenya's diverse population.
In 1973, he moved to London, eventually setting up his own recording studio and production company, Sultan Sound.
Today, he lives in Salvador da Bahia, Brazil, and is a well known music producer of world fusion, with many film and television credits.
You can read more about him from his personal site.