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Tracks Listed In: Mysterious, Mystical, Eerie, Spooky, Ethereal

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Good (Instrumental) - See more info.

A smooth, soulful, feel-good track with tropical melodic textures from synths, piano flicks and chords, a warm bass and a bright, summery drum beat.

Benny Ajilore
Harmattan Mid Beat - See more info.
Named after the dry and dusty Saharan wind that sweeps down across West Africa from November to March.
Dave Yowell
Heebie Jeebie Screamy - See more info.

Slow and threatening, zombies and alien cyborgs marching, a dangerous threat slowly advancing on you.

Dave Yowell
Heebie Jeebie Screamy-no beats - See more info.

Slow and threatening, zombies and alien cyborgs marching, a dangerous threat slowly advancing on you.

Dave Yowell
High as a kite - See more info.

Ambient, futuristic calm and relaxed, floating Fender Rhodes Piano with psychedelic synthesisers towards the end.

Dave Yowell
High As A Kite - alternate ending - See more info.

Ambient, futuristic calm and relaxed, floating Fender Rhodes Piano with psychedelic synthesisers towards the end.

Dave Yowell
Hither and Zither - See more info.

A fusion of traditional Arabian instruments and orchestra jamming away with a modern rock band.

Dave Yowell
Honey in a Jar - See more info.

This is an electronic ambient synth hip-hop instrumental, slower tempo, featuring keyboard synth, synth pads and programmed drum beats.

Duane Beswick
Hypno-Crypto - See more info.

Pulsating and hypnotic light percussion, interspersed with wailing electronic feline and semi-human moans and screams.

Sultan Makende
Hypsi-Gypsy - See more info.

Dramatic and cinematic with a strong gypsy flavour - combination of string orchestra and Gypsy violin.

Dave Yowell


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