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Tracks Listed In: Humour, Comedy, Sitcom, Fun, Slapstick

Preview Track Artist
Kiddy Mc Biddy-30 secs - See more info.

A short warm and happy, tropical reggae underscore.

Natty Ska
Kiddy Mc Biddy-no synth melody - See more info.

A short warm and happy, tropical reggae cue.

Natty Ska
Kiddy McBiddy-full version - See more info.

A short warm and happy, tropical reggae underscore.

Natty Ska
Laid back and grooving - full version - See more info.

A light and groovy acoustic piece featuring Afro-Latin / Caribbean percussion, acoustic guitar and bass.

Sultan Makende
Laid Back and Grooving - no bass - See more info.

A light and groovy acoustic piece featuring Afro-Latin / Caribbean percussion and acoustic guitar.

Sultan Makende
Laid Back and Grooving-Percussion only - See more info.

A light and groovy acoustic piece featuring Afro-Latin / Caribbean percussion.

Sultan Makende
Let's stay optomistic - See more info.

A light, soft warm and jazzy track led by Guymon's muted trumpet plus acoustic piano, acoustic double bass, swinging drums, string orchestra and Dave whistler.

Guymon Ensley
Let's stay optomistic-Cues composite - See more info.

Light, warm, bouncy and happy old-school swing-jazz, led by Guymon's muted trumpet.

Guymon Ensley
Lost the Plot - See more info.

Classic trombone led ska, in the style of the great Rico Rodriguez, some roots dub and crazy belly dance thrown in for good measure.

Dave Yowell
Mach Nine - See more info.

Very fast piano with dance rhythm and bass.

David Burns


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