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Sophisticated with swing and groove

Tracks Listed In: Jazz, Jazzy

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A roots jazzy-swing, in the style of old-school jazz from New Orleans.

Guymon Ensley
La Bossita Latina-Full version - See more info.

A warm and happy Latino fusion of bossa nova with a touch of salsa.

The Brain Drain Gang
La Bossita Latina-instrumental - See more info.

A warm and happy Latino fusion of bossa nova with a touch of salsa.

The Brain Drain Gang
Let's stay optomistic - See more info.

A light, soft warm and jazzy track led by Guymon's muted trumpet plus acoustic piano, acoustic double bass, swinging drums, string orchestra and Dave whistler.

Guymon Ensley
Let's stay optomistic-Cues composite - See more info.

Light, warm, bouncy and happy old-school swing-jazz, led by Guymon's muted trumpet.

Guymon Ensley
Mad Rush - See more info.

A fast and jazzy track with a light and comic feeling, that would work well in a cartoon or funny, slapstick scene.

Dave Yowell
Mad Rush-drums and bass - See more info.

A fast and jazzy track with a light and comic feeling, that would work well in a cartoon or funny, slapstick scene.

Dave Yowell
Mad Rush-no brass - See more info.

A fast and jazzy track with a light and comic feeling, that would work well in a cartoon or funny, slapstick scene.

Dave Yowell
Mambo de Gringo Maluco - See more info.

Relaxed Latino groove giving a warm and tropical feeling.

Gringo Loco
Mimi Na taka Kizuri-instrumental version - See more info.

A slow fusion of African and American pop.


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