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Fusions of musical styles with a bit of punch

Tracks Listed In: Kicking Fusion

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Arabia Fantasia-main version - See more info.

A fusion of Middle Eastern instruments and percussion.

Sultan Makende
Ashante Fanfare Version 1 - See more info.

A fast, virtuoso and complex drum solo accompanied by a brass section, bass and guitar,
The mood is frantic, stressful, and gives a feeling of urgency.

Ashante Fanfare Version 2 - See more info.

A fast, virtuoso and complex drum solo accompanied by a brass section, bass and guitar,
The mood is frantic, stressful, and gives a feeling of urgency.

Ashante Fanfare Version 3 - See more info.

A fast, virtuoso and complex drum solo.

Bachanalia - See more info.

A fusion of various Middle Eastern and East European folkloric instruments and percussion, plus a string orchestra, with a heavy bass.

Sultan Makende
Bass In Ya Face - full version - See more info.

A punchy, funky, jazzy, groovy 70's funk-disco track with touches of African roots provided by the flute and vocal.

Sultan Makende
Bass In Ya Face - Main groove no melody - See more info.

A punchy, funky, jazzy, groovy track - this is just the main groove with no melody.

Sultan Makende
Bass in ya face-percussion and bass - See more info.

A punchy, funky, jazzy, groovy track with touches of African roots.

Sultan Makende
Belly From Helly - See more info.

A bouncy, fusion of traditional Arabian and Western instruments, which could be used under any media related to the Middle East.

Al Finjan
Broken Bad Mad - See more info.

Thrashing heavy and tense underscore - combination of FX, synthesizers and a virtuoso drum solo.

Sultan Makende


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